
Fertility Expert Julia Young

Registered Nutritional Therapist specialising in fertility

BA (Hons), DipION, mBANT, mCNHC

About Julia

Julia is a Nutritional Therapist specialising in fertility. She is registered with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CHNC) and the British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT). Julia helps couples struggling to conceive to realise their dream of having a family. Julia offers personalised nutrition and lifestyle support and believes in the importance of getting to the root cause of people’s fertility issues.

Having gone through fertility struggles herself, Julia is passionate about supporting couples and women with their fertility and hormonal issues. She was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and suffered from amenorrhea (absent periods) for 7 years, which meant that she and her husband were unable to conceive naturally. After several rounds of fertility treatment and a miscarriage, they were finally blessed with two boys, one via IUI and one via IVF. However, it was only after discovering that nutrition, lifestyle, and supplements could impact her health that to her amazement her periods returned! This inspired her to train as a registered nutritional therapist and to go on to help others struggling to conceive. Julia has a special interest in supporting preconception care, IVF preparation, unexplained infertility, amenorrhea, PCOS, endometriosis and secondary infertility.

“One of the best things about my job is when I hear news from a client telling me they are pregnant; it shows the transformation that can happen when people make changes to their diet and lifestyle.” - Julia

Julia works with:

  • Fertility

  • PCOS

  • Endometriosis

  • Unexplained infertility

Julia’s prices:

Single client (3 month programme) £1200 + VAT

Initial consultation (90mins)

5x follow up consultations (45-60mins) usually meeting on a fortnightly basis

Couples (3 month programme) £1500 + VAT

Initial consultation 1 (partner 1) (both together) (90mins)

Initial consultation 2 (partner 2) (both together) (60 mins)

4x follow up consultations (60mins) both partners - usually meeting on a fortnightly basis

Would you like more information?



"I can't even begin to describe how Julia has helped us. I had suffered a miscarriage, we wanted answers but had no idea where to start. I reached out to Julia on recommendation. It was the best and smartest move we made on our fertility journey. Julia not only helped us both with being in the best possible shape we could be, she helped us identify exactly what our problem was by signposting us to various healthcare professionals and by carrying out various tests. In my case this led to the discovery of an underactive thyroid which I had never even considered, as I was totally unaware of having symptoms, but Julia knew! And in the case of my husband, Julia helped us to get semen analyses which led us to discover low morphology and DNA fragmentation (terms I had never heard of prior to working with Julia!) but things we now know to be extremely important. I am now 21 weeks pregnant and we consider Julia to be the most pivotal person in making this happen (aside from the two of us of course!). Without Julia, we would not be here.

The nutritional advice that Julia gives is absolutely brilliant, tailored to each individual, evidence-based, and incredibly easy to follow. I am in the best shape I have been in in years and regardless of the fertility benefits, people have been commenting on my skin and hair having been improved (and this was prior to being pregnant!) A sign to me that it is totally true that what you put into your body has a major effect on how healthy you are in every way - including, but not limited to, fertility.

Julia is far more than a nutritional therapist. I went to her expecting to have some help with my diet and lifestyle, and what we got was infinitely more valuable. Fertility is a dark and twisted labyrinth but Julia has seen it all and knows exactly which path to take next to find your way out and get you to your ultimate goal, your baby. We are forever grateful." - Aleiya and Michal



