The Weight Loss Clinic

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  • “I sought advice from Libby because of a significant weight loss following an illness, subsequent operation and prolonged stay in hospital. Prior to seeing Libby, my weight had shown no signs of recovering but, following Libby’s recommended changes to my diet, over a three month period I am now back to my pre operation weight. Additionally previous digestive symptoms have also been positively influenced, due, I am sure, to the dietary changes recommended by Libby. Friends and family all say how much better I am looking!”

    -Tom, Retired

  • “Libby has given me practical help with developing a more rounded approach to food, one that also impacts on my entire wellbeing. I have always been susceptible to emotional eating and making snap choices in times of stress. Libby has given me tips to make considered choices and has helped shift my thinking to a position of nourishment, rather than starving myself. Libby's knowledge and expertise in nutrition has helped me greatly improve my life. She has enabled me to better understand the connection between my body and what I fuel it with, which has led to increased vital energy levels. I highly recommend Libby to anyone seeking to improve their health and well-being.”

    -Raj, Actor

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