Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic Syndrome is the medical term for a compilation of conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension) and obesity. Metabolic Syndrome puts you at a greater risk of getting coronary heart disease, stroke and other conditions that affect the blood and its vessels. 

The majority of the disorders that lie under Metabolic Syndrome tend to lack signs or symptoms. One symptom that is visible is a larger waist circumference. If your blood sugar is high, signs and symptoms of diabetes may be noticeable, such as increased thirst, urination, fatigue and blurred vision. 


How does Surrey Centre for Nutrition work with Metabolic Syndrome?

There seems to be a genetic component to metabolic disorders. However, the biggest contributor and risk factor seem to be a lifestyle. Diet, weight, waist circumference, activity levels, and even stress and sleep levels are all risk factors for developing the disease. 

We work with our clients on identifying what parts of their diets can be improved. We may suggest the use of glucose monitoring systems, perhaps a continuous glucose monitor, to help identify how different foods affect the client’s glucose levels – as this is highly personal and depends on genetics and other factors. There are many strategies we can work on to help improve insulin sensitivity, and we will look at dietary changes, meal frequency and timings, using culinary herbs and spices, perhaps supplements if appropriate and acceptable to the client, and also look at physical activity levels, stress and sleep. 

Weight loss, if required, will be addressed. Being overweight and obese are risk factors for type 2 diabetes, but not all type 2 diabetics are overweight – many are within a healthy BMI, and some may even need to gain weight.

We may also look at additional support for optimal cardiovascular health after identifying specific cardiovascular risk factors (usually via testing).

 Each client is an individual, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Each plan is thoughtfully and carefully put together to meet the individual client’s needs, abilities and lifestyle. You will be given detailed nutritional and lifestyle advice to support you back to a point of health and balance.


Are you ready to work with us to reach your health goals?


If you or someone you know is suffering from the symptoms or conditions listed above, Surrey Centre for Nutrition may be able to help. We typically work with clients for 3-6 months depending on your health concerns. Are you interested in working with us?

Book a discovery call to see how the Surrey Centre for Nutrition can help 

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