Our Services

Offering functional medicine, lifestyle medicine and nutritional therapy online and in Surrey, London and the UK.

What we offer

We offer an integrative and evidence-based approach to your health, delivering bespoke nutritional and lifestyle protocols supported by the fundamental principles of functional medicine and a full range of the latest and most advanced health tests. A range of nutritional therapy services are also offered to suit your requirements. We are dedicated to enabling and empowering clients to make positive dietary and lifestyle changes for lifelong health.

A long-term solution rather than a quick fix

When you have been ill for a long while and are suffering from multiple symptoms it is unlikely that you will regain wellness within one or two sessions. Most clients will be suffering from illness with multiple triggering mechanisms, each of which will need to be addressed to return to health.

For example, a client suffering from an autoimmunity condition may have imbalances in digestion, detoxification, environmental and food triggers, etc. Each one of these avenues will need to be investigated in turn. Remember we are not looking to target symptoms but the condition's root cause.


We invite you to book a FREE discovery call with us so that we can answer any questions you might have about working together. Our free discovery calls last roughly 15 minutes.

During this time we will discuss your current health concerns and your goals. We will then talk you through how we work, some likely areas of investigation, and the process of working with us.


You may wish to book an initial health assessment, where we can assess your current state of health, past medical records and symptoms. You will leave this assessment with a clear idea of how we work together during a 3 or 6 month package and the key issues which need to be addressed in order to improve your health.

A health assessment costs £325

A Typical Client Journey


The client journey will often start with a free discovery call. During this call, we will discuss the client’s current health concerns and touch briefly on their health history. From there we will explain to the client how we work, and the fundamentals of how we may try to support them and we may outline some likely approaches with testing and protocols. We also outline the fees and structure and potential duration of the programmes.


Once it is determined that working with Surrey Centre for Nutrition is a good fit for the client, we will agree on an appropriate time for their first consult and we will create a bespoke and tailored price quote and package to answer their needs. An invoice will be sent out for payment.


Once the invoice is paid, a booking confirmation is sent out, The client will then need to complete a diet diary along with a number of functional medicine and nutritional therapy questionnaires which they return to us in advance of their initial consultation so that we can review their information and start to build their case and work up using functional medicine methodology. The questionnaires requested will differ for each client depending on the health concern they are coming to us with. We often ask the client to send us the results of any previous health tests undertaken.


It is time for the first consultation, where we will dive deeper into the client’s health history from pre-birth to the present day. We will also take a closer look at current symptoms and client goals and discuss the appropriate routes forward which will usually involve choosing appropriate testing in the first instance and often putting in place a base dietary and nutritional protocol. The appropriate testing is planned.


Around 4-6 weeks after the first consultation, we will have the first main follow up where we will discuss the results of any testing and put together a detailed and highly personalised plan. The plan will consist of information and protocols around:

-Diet and nutrition

-Gut health

-Toxins and detox (environmental medicine)


-Food reactivity

-Stress and lifestyle factors


Consultations continue every 4-6 weeks and together we will ascertain whether your protocols and personalised plan need to be tweaked depending on your presenting health. We will continue to look at nutrition, targeted supplementation, stress and lifestyle protocols to ensure that you are progressing on your journey towards better health and wellness.

Working with us at the Surrey Centre for Nutrition is a direct long-term investment in your health. Functional medicine and nutrition treatment takes time. Over a period of time we will work together to incorporate real and sustainable change in your lifestyle and you will reap the benefits long after our work together finishes.


A three or six month programme is a typical treatment journey for a client. During this time we will work together to investigate the root cause of your illness using;

  • consultations

  • review of previous medical notes, diagnoses and tests

  • comprehensive health history and functional medicine timeline analysis

  • food and lifestyle journals

  • full functional medicine case analysis

  • targeted nutritional and functional testing & analysis

We will then apply targeted protocols to address any underlying imbalances identified through the above investigations. This will include;

  • dietary and nutritional protocols

  • lifestyle protocols

  • collaboration with your primary healthcare team where necessary

  • collaborative work with our pharmacologist to evaluate and address any drug-nutrient interactions and contraindications if you have a pharmaceutical medical profile

You will be supported through the process with monthly consultations and bi-weekly check in support calls. It is really important to us that our clients can get support they need when they need it so we also offer ongoing online support via email of through our client portal messaging app.

For more information on pricing for packages, go to the relevant clinic page below or book a free discovery call.

Go to our FAQ page

Personalised Chef Service

We know that making dietary changes can sometimes be overwhelming. To support your nutritional protocols we have teamed up with a personalised chef service to provide you with delicious ready-to-eat meals when you need them.

Our Clinics

  • Autoimmune Clinic

    Autoimmune conditions can affect any system of the body including the joints, bones and skin, the digestive system, the nervous system, the endocrine (hormonal) system, and can be life altering and debilitating.

  • Gut Health Clinic

    Common symptoms of digestive ill health affect nearly 50% of the population at some point. You may have undergone medical investigations with no identifiable cause. We can help restore balance to your gut.

  • Women's Health Clinic

    Supporting women through all their stages of life from periods, fertility and pregnancy to peri-menopause and menopause. Nutritional and functional therapy help to balance hormones and restore health.

  • General Health Clinic

    Working with a wide range of health conditions including pre-diabetes, diabetes, weight loss, cardiovascular health and other issues. We will get to the root cause of your issue and offer a functional approach back to good health.

Would you like some guidance on which practitioner is right for you?

You can book a free 15-minute consultation to discuss you needs and we will match you to the right practitioner.